
How's everybody doing? Great? Awesome. Not so great? Sowwy. 

So I feel like my first post should be epic in some way, but I'm really not an "epic" type of person (can a person be born epic? Is that even possible?) , so I feel that a mildly funny, average post is what you're gonna get. Sorry. On my homepage I "talked" (typed?) about going to Asia in about a month and making a vlog about every day or so. I even bought a camcorder just for that. It's purdy. 

But for real. I'm really excited about the trip, I've been looking forward to it since the beginning of second semester. Yay for anticipation! (Antica......pation. Anybody know what I'm talking about? You get a cookie if you guess! Then again, you might need to be a movie buff to get it *hinthint*) 

I guess for now I'll say adieu! (Since I have nothing remotely interesting to talk about)