Sooooo, How's everybody? Awesome?

I just realized how incredibly stupid I am. I accidentally saved the last post as a draft instead of publishing it. -_-;;

I'm a dingbat. I know. 

So, you now get two posts in one day! It's aMAYzing! You're not impressed, huh? I didn't think so...Oh, well. We had another meeting today, we talked about a few of the things we'll see while we're in China: The Great Wall, Shanghai, the Terracotta Soldiers, Tiananmen Square, and a few other places. I wanna go to the Shanghai Zoo! I wish I could take home a panda...but, that would cost waaaay too  much. Seriously I'd have to buy a bamboo orchard, and then when it ate that, I'd have to get another one some how. It just wouldn't work out. So sad.

Anyways, we also talked about what we should pack on the trip. I swear Ivy must have a magical bag, or some serious packing skills, because she gave us a copy of what she's bringing and I don't know how she fit everything into one bag. Seriously. She must be Mary Poppins. You know, with that bag that you can fit anything in and it never gets any bigger or heavier. I wish I had skills like that. *sigh*

I don't know what I'm actually going to do when I really start to crack down and pack for real. I'm in the process of just thinking about what I need to pack, when I actually get around to packing for real I'm gonna die. I'll have a heart attack from all the stress, and I'll never get to go to S. Korea or China. They'll miss me, I know it. Who wouldn't? I'm awesome. Obviously. 

 I feel like this post has gone on long enough, your eyes are probably about to fall out of your head, or you fell asleep or something. So I'll end it now before that happens. Until next time!


P.S. I'm going to try to post the powerpoint I made on Tiananmen Square (It was our assignment for the week) :)

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